Rage is a Problem; NYSP and NJSP have the Solution
New York
Safety Program sponsors the Driver Improvement Course that has been approved by the New York State Dept. Of Motor Vehicles
for Point Reduction and the Dept. of Insurance for Insurance Reduction in New York State. The New Jersey
Safety Program has been approved by the New Jersey State Dept. of Motor Vehicles for Point Reduction and the Dept.
of Insurance for Insurance Reduction in New Jersey. The NYSP and the NJSP courses
are different courses that are each six hour classroom courses that use behavior modification methodology to positively
influence attitude and, therefore, behavior behind the wheel. Certified instructors, using modern multimedia techniques, will
teach you the roles and responsibilities of the individual driver, traffic laws, emergency and defensive driving methods.
There are no tests to pass and there is no driving involved.
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Who is Eligible? All drivers, regardless of violation and accident record.
drivers in addition to discounts for drivers education training. Assigned "risk" drivers. Commercial Vehicle
Operators Drivers of ALL ages Motorcycle Drivers
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Benefits Include: For NY-- 10%
savings on Auto Liability, Collision and No-fault each year for 3 full years. For NJ-- 5%
savings on Auto Liability and Collision each year for 3 full years For NY-- up to a 4
point reduction on existing driving record. For NJ-- up to a 2 point
reduction on existing driving record Greater Driver safety awareness Protecting the lives and safety of family
and friends. Protecting assets from potential lawsuits.
money on out-of-pocket medical and legal expenses, in addition
to auto insurance deductibles. Saving time and money from avoiding costly violations.
Can you afford NOT to take our program???
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Can your business use the NYSP/NJSP?
Motor vehicle crashes
cost U.S. employers over $50 Billion annually. Employer costs of crashes exceed
$5 billion in New York State. In 1994, motor vehicle crashes killed an estimated 2,000 people while they were working and
injured 323,000. Over half the injuries forced people to miss work. Crashes cost more than you think. The average
employer pays $25,000 for each on-the-job motor vehicle crash and $110,000 per injury.
Injuries of Workers & Their Dependants Due to Motor Vehicle Crashes in 1994 | . | On the Job | Off
the Job | All | Fatal | 2000 | 39,000 | 41,000 | Non-Fatal | 323,000 | 4,893,000 | 5,216,000 | Lost Work Days | 171,000 | 2,593,000 | 2,764,000 | Non-Lost Work Days | 152,000 | 2,300,000 | 2,452,000 | Total | 325,000 | 4,932,000 | 5,257,000 |
Lost workday injuries include those resulting in an inability to perform either wage or household work. Many employers do not even realize that on and off the job, there are countless direct and hidden expenses of crashes which can have a
devastating impact on their financial stability. In addition to health care and property damage, consider other substantive
costs, such as hiring a temporary employee, lower productivity, insurance premiums and lawsuits. The New York Safety Program
and the New Jersey Safety Program can help control these costs, and save lives. Your potential
savings can be as high as $50,000 per million vehicle miles of travel. Protecting employees from motor vehicle crash injury
can be a profitable investment of time and resources. Back to top
Multiple Benefits Your business saves money. Company Employees Save money on their personal vehicle insurance & points
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Everyone Benefits (From The New York Safety Program and The
New Jersey Safety Program Driver Improvement Courses) Individuals can benefit through the
Actual and Potential Benefits previously described. Clubs, Organizations, Churches, Synagogues, Schools
can all benefit by offering the course as a member benefit and/or fund-raiser
at convenient locations. Businesses, Corporations, and Municipalities can save $$$ on vehicle, medical
and disability insurance, worker’s compensation, legal expenses, vehicle damage and replacement, recruitment and training
costs, and more. You
can benefit as a student, provider, organization member or business owner.
FOR NEW YORK State course registrations... NOW ABLE TO DO COURSES DIRECTLY!!!
(201) 664-5487 (NJ) and as
of 1/1/ NY (646) 490-2662 (NY)
We can set up a special
class for your group, club, school, company, church, temple, union, and other organizations.
We also offer foreign language courses.

Driving should be a calm and focused event with no distractions. |
Motorists from other states with
New York State violations can also benefit from this program and receive the same point reduction as
New York drivers.
New York 10% OFF Your Insurance Premium--at least
After completing the Point/Insurance Reduction Program, you are eligible for a
10% discount on your collision and Auto Liability Insurance for three (3) full years. Your liability premium includes
Property Damage (PD), Bodily Injury (B), and Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Your discount will apply to all vehicles
for which you are the principal operator.
FOR New Jersey 5% OFF Your Insurance Premium--at least
After completing the Point/Insurance Reduction Program, you are eligible for a 5%
discount on your collision and Auto Liability Insurance for three (3) full years. Your discount will apply to all
vehicles for which you are the principal operator.
FOR NEW YORK STATE 4 Point Reduction on your NYS Driving
If you incurred violations during the 18 month period prior
to completing the course, up to four points will be reduced on your driving record, thereby helping you to avoid a license
suspension or revocation--e.g. 3 speeding convictions within 18 months. This program will not cancel any action pending
against a motorist's driving privileges. You may take the NYSP course every 18 months for point reduction purposes.
Out of state drivers also benefit with this same course.
NEW JERSEY STATE 2 Point Reduction on your NJS Driving Record
If you incurred
violations prior to completing the course, up to two points will be reduced on your driving record, thereby helping you to
avoid a license suspension or revocation. This program will not cancel any action pending against a motorist's driving
Take a 6-hour class (NY) or
6 ½ hour class (NJ) on a weekend, or two classes
of 3 hours on weeknights or weekends.